Handsome Library

The Handsome Media Library (HML) is a product bespoke for conscious lifestyle brands aiming to elevate their online presence and attract more and higher-value customers. Using the elegance of strategic storytelling, Third Eye Media helps them grow your brand’s identity by creating a library of high-end images designed to produce a visual atmosphere of quality, […]


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Meditatietuin Crowdfunding

Third Eye Media worked with De Meditatietuin in their re-branding and crowdfunding campaign. ​ The work started with an ideation and strategy face. Through weekly meetings, we reviewed the centre’s identity, brand and core values. A product of this was the creation of a crowdfunding campaign that includes video, photography, social media promotion, strategic community […]


Third Eye Media co-produced, designed, co-scripted and directed an online course for Man-In Retreats. ​ The project includes social media assets, a trailer, a sale’s funnel and video content. Previous Next

Bird Hunter

Previous Next This series of 35mm prints was exhibited at the Spanish Cultural Center in Santiago de Chile.

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Hi there!

The mission of Third Eye Media is to tell stories that connect people, build communities around positive change, improve our culture, destroy old stereotypes, and support a more genuine and authentic perception of who we are.

Are you a creative professional (designer, coder, marketeer, etc.) or researcher (scientist, artist) who cares about these topics?

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Hi there!

The mission of Third Eye Media is to tell stories that connect people, build communities around positive change, improve our culture, destroy old stereotypes, and support a more genuine and authentic perception of who we are.

Are you a creative professional (designer, coder, marketeer, etc.) or researcher (scientist, artist) who cares about these topics?

Would you like to share ideas with like-minded people and maybe unite forces for starting new adventures?

Drop me a line. Let’s stay connected.

Thanks for your interest.