Crowdfunding Campaign

De Meditatietuin

Two friends with a big dream: start an urban retreat centre in the heart of Amsterdam. The challenges, many. Grow a community, finding investors, and renovating an old building in Amstelpark.

Third Eye Media worked with De Meditatietuin in their re-branding and crowdfunding campaign.

The work started with an ideation and strategy face. Through weekly meetings, we reviewed the centre’s identity, brand and core values.

A product of this was the creation of a crowdfunding campaign that includes video, photography, social media promotion, strategic community building and live events.

The crowdfunding campaign succeeded, gathering an amount above the initial goal of €35K, growing 10X the centre’s community on social media and connecting the centre with a circuit of private investors.

The focus of this campaign was placed on the community. Accordingly, the media we created established a direct and open dialogue with them.

Third Eye Media produced different sorts of content for this project. We used strategic storytelling to establish the campaign’s narrative, which was punctuated with promotional videos, vlogging, flyers, audio meditations (included in newsletters), live streamings and more.

I experienced Pablo as professional and friendly. His presence, creativity and structured way of working makes him someone you can rely on and helps to trust and grow in the process in unique ways.

Gijs Niranjan

Meditatietuin co-founder

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Hi there!

The mission of Third Eye Media is to tell stories that connect people, build communities around positive change, improve our culture, destroy old stereotypes, and support a more genuine and authentic perception of who we are.

Are you a creative professional (designer, coder, marketeer, etc.) or researcher (scientist, artist) who cares about these topics?

Would you like to share ideas with like-minded people and maybe unite forces for starting new adventures?

Drop me a line. Let’s stay connected.

Thanks for your interest.

Hi there!

The mission of Third Eye Media is to tell stories that connect people, build communities around positive change, improve our culture, destroy old stereotypes, and support a more genuine and authentic perception of who we are.

Are you a creative professional (designer, coder, marketeer, etc.) or researcher (scientist, artist) who cares about these topics?

Would you like to share ideas with like-minded people and maybe unite forces for starting new adventures?

Drop me a line. Let’s stay connected.

Thanks for your interest.