Look good, make a difference

Handsome Library

Local businesses realise more and more that their future is one where consumption is aligned with a deep respect for the environment and the rituals that connect us with nature. Using the elegance of strategic storytelling, we’ve been dabbing into the potential of producing high-end micro-content that highlights these values.

The Handsome Media Library (HML) is a product bespoke for conscious lifestyle brands aiming to elevate their online presence and attract more and higher-value customers.


Using the elegance of strategic storytelling, Third Eye Media helps them grow your brand’s identity by creating a library of high-end images designed to produce a visual atmosphere of quality, sophistication and trust around their products.

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HML is specially made for conscious lifestyle brands. Jewellery, clothing, wellness centres or health and beauty products who want to slide up to the higher ends of their market using the elegance of strategic storytelling.

Brands can make their Social Media shine with platform ready media. Make a difference using video in your posts, Facebook events and profile picture.

We are helping local businesses raise conscious consumer values by producing high-quality content to make their brands more visible.

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Hi there!

The mission of Third Eye Media is to tell stories that connect people, build communities around positive change, improve our culture, destroy old stereotypes, and support a more genuine and authentic perception of who we are.

Are you a creative professional (designer, coder, marketeer, etc.) or researcher (scientist, artist) who cares about these topics?

Would you like to share ideas with like-minded people and maybe unite forces for starting new adventures?

Drop me a line. Let’s stay connected.

Thanks for your interest.

Hi there!

The mission of Third Eye Media is to tell stories that connect people, build communities around positive change, improve our culture, destroy old stereotypes, and support a more genuine and authentic perception of who we are.

Are you a creative professional (designer, coder, marketeer, etc.) or researcher (scientist, artist) who cares about these topics?

Would you like to share ideas with like-minded people and maybe unite forces for starting new adventures?

Drop me a line. Let’s stay connected.

Thanks for your interest.