A Research Project On Interactive Cinema

Fernando Moreno's Crime

A man kills another man. But who are they, and why do events take such a course? Meaning is in the eye of the beholder and now is on his fingers too. This short fiction is the flagship of a scientific project on interactive filmmaking.

“A car drives fast through the dry gravel of Los Andes countryside. His driver, Fernando, has a gun and is determined to kill a man.”

Fernando could be a hitman or an avenger, a family man or a lone ranger. His intentions and destiny are defined by the interactions of the spectator, or user, in this film.

This short film was written and directed by Pablo Núñez Palma, and it was part of a research project on interactive cinema and co-construction carried by the Faculty of Engineering at the Catholic University of Chile. The results of this research were published in the prestigious journal ACM Magazine.

Making this short film taught me how essential storytelling and creativity are for producing research. Not just to communicate it, but also to give a sense of direction to a team, especially when its members come from diverse backgrounds.

Pablo Núñez Palma

Third Eye Media

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